公司基于“科技引领、创新为本、服务社会、创造价值”的企业理念,为拥有自主知识产权的产品创立了自己的品牌——“ECOSO爱社科技”。ECOSO取名于ECO-SOCIETY(节能社会->生态社会->和谐社会)的缩写,寓意建立生态型和谐社会。ECOSO品牌立足于科技创新,致力于工业现场及民生领域的节能环保高科技产品的研发,为企业&家庭共同建立生态型和谐社会而努力。当前,针对工业现场广泛存在、我国每年损失金额高达360亿元的压缩空气泄露及损失金额高达120亿元的jdb电子游戏平台网站 运行损耗,ECOSO推出了智能气体泄漏检测仪、压缩空气泄漏点扫描枪、设备入口流量监测计、jdb电子游戏平台网站 群节能型智能控制系统等,为企业提供节能解决方案,致力于协助我国企业大幅削减压缩空气能耗。
Beijing ECOSO Co., Ltd. (“ECOSO”) is a hi-tech enterprise founded by returned -persons who studied and worked abroad. It is devoted to the R&D and introduction of the hi-tech products in the field of industrial energy conservation, and such products are representatives of new-generation pneumatic energy conservation products. Having a powerful and stable R&D team, ECOSO has all along been keeping close cooperative relationship with some institutes and enterprises at home and abroad in related fields.
ECOSO has set up its own brand named “ECOSO” with proprietary intellectual property rights based upon the business philosophy of “diving by advanced science and technology, being innovation-oriented, serving the society and creating value”. “ECOSO” is named after the abbreviation of ECO-SOCIETY (energy-saving society->ecological society->harmonious society), with the moral of building an eco-type harmonious society. Basing on innovation in technology, ECOSO people have all the time been devoted to the research and development of energy conservation and environmental-friendly hi-tech products used in the industrial sites and for people’s well-being, aiming at building an eco-type harmonious society for numerous enterprises and households. Currently, in view of the fact that the annual loss caused by leakage of compressed air reaches annually as high as 36 billion RMB Yuan in China and the operational loss of compressors reaches as high as 12 billion RMB Yuan in China, ECOSO has launched such products as smart air leak tester, air leak scanner, equipment inlet flow monitor, compressors expert control system in order to provide enterprises with the energy-saving solutions. ECOSO has all along been committing itself to assisting China’s enterprises in radical reduction of energy consumption when using compressed air.
ALS has the features of high sensitivity, accuracy placement, excluded the other undesired electromagnetic signals except the air leak ultrasonic, which designed for compressed air leak detection.
SALT can fast and smart complete the whole process of measurement and the leakage rate calculation with one click, which has independent intellectual property rights. It can be accessed devices by idle interfaces, needless to dismantle the existing gas pipeline. Simple, high range ratio and convenient, it is apply to pneumatic industrial field.
jdb电子游戏平台网站 群专家控制系统:本专家控制系统区别于一般的台数控制器或智能控制器,除具备台数控制功能外,还可对每台jdb电子游戏平台网站 设置控制参数以匹配各种jdb电子游戏平台网站 的运行要求,能够达到专家级操作人员控制水平,专为jdb电子游戏平台网站 群运行能耗最小而开发。适用于由3台以上各类螺杆式、往复式或离心式jdb电子游戏平台网站 构成的jdb电子游戏平台网站 群。
Compressors control system achieves the operation level of expert, control parameters can be set to match the operation requirements of compressors, which designed especially for the minimum energy of compressor groups.
Plant flow management system has ECOSO flow meters with wireless communication, designed for flow measurement of industrial pipeline.
Compressors Expert Control Unit achieves the operation level of expert, control parameters can be set to match the operation requirements of compressors, which designed especially for the minimum energy of compressor groups.
Compressor Health Management Unit
is the use of air compressor comes with the computer control panel issued by the data to achieve its operation to the entire air compressor system data acquisition, simultaneous record, then given the air compressor health indicators and the presence of hidden faults according to the recorded data collected intelligence analysis.
This system focused on integration of the three Industrial Control Systems: focused on integration of the Compressor Health Management to achieve smart maintenance and accident analysis of compressor; focused on integration of the Compressors Expert Control to achieve intelligent control of compressors; focused on integration of the Plant Flow Management to achieve plant flow management.
Compressor inverter energy-saving control cabinet can collect pressure of compressor through the pressure sensors by advanced PID regulatory function, and transmit the signal to the inverter, then regulator the compressor running speed and output power by inverter. Constitute the closed-loop feedback system, adjust the amount of gas apply in accordance with actual demand of compressed air system automatically and keep the pressure constant of the pneumatic system in order to achieve energy-saving purposes. After installing the compressor inverter energy-saving control cabinet, the energy saving effect can reach 20% ~ 50%.
EB Series of oil-free electric booster, which saving energy through the low pressure measure. For the first time, reduce the overall gas pressure of compressor, only boost the necessary part of the pneumatic system. It can achieve a substantial energy saving on the premise that the productivity will not become lower although pressure reduced.
The precision overflow controller can automatically collect pressure signals of high-pressure pipeline, making the excess pressure of high-pressure pipeline input the low-pressure pipeline automatically. It can display instantaneous and cumulative flow division simultaneously, and regulate flow by controlling parameter in order to achieve close-loop control of pressure in high-pressure pipe network. Reduce pressure waste of system in the case of steady pressure of high-pressure pipeline. It is particularly suitable for dual-pressure pneumatic system, which is precise energy-saving product required in high and low pressure pipe network optimization.
Portable pressure recorder set sensors, smart meters in one, collect and record date in accordance with the pressure of recording time interval. The recorder can display the date and curve simultaneously in LCD, and the historical date and curve. All dates can upload to the computer via USB drives. Recording time interval can be set in command, with the host computer management. Date can be statistic and analysis by professional analysis software, statistical data, and guided into the excel file easily.
AG uses a new internal structure of the optimal design. The pressure of gas source is required only 0.7 ~ 0.8MPa in operation, fully in line with the general on-site gas supply requirements, without raising the working pressure of AG throughout setting independent compressor group. The energy can be reduced significantly, more than 40%.
本流量传感器内置压力传感器和温度传感器,能够自动对压力及温度的变化进行补偿,可以准确地测量高达50Hz的脉动流量。同时,通过对细管两侧入口进行特殊圆滑处理,确保了良好的流量-差压特性,量程比高达100:1,测量精度可达±1% F.S.。另外,还可选择双向差压传感器,从而测量气流双方向流动时的正负流量。
FTP is the flow sensor built-in pressure sensors and temperature sensors that can automatically compensate the change of pressure and temperature, can accurately measure the pulse flow up to 50Hz. Meanwhile, it can ensure a good flow-pressure difference characteristic by smoothing both sides of the entrance. Range ratio up to 100:1, measurement accuracy up to ± 1% F.S. In addition, two-way differential pressure sensor can measure plus-minus flow when air flow in both directions.
This instrument is the first compressed air energy measurement sensors in the world, which can detect the compressed air energy consumption accurately in order to reduce the energy waste. It can manage the air consumption for substantial saving by detecting pressure, flow and accurately calculate the instantaneous power.
This product is installed in the gas loop of the hit-shell cylinder, it can maximize the efficiency of gas supply throughout matching the gas consumption. Decrease the pressure loss and reduce the air leak, the effect about reach to 40%. Saving energy obviously and installed easily, without affecting the process requirements.
This product uses the pressurized float flow meter structure. With the pressure gauge, it can be installed in pipeline in series. In accordance with the pressure online, we can rotate the scale cylinder in order to read the flow in different pressures. It has many advantages, for example, high cost-effective, installed easily, strong anti-pollution, long life and wide range of application.
This instrument can display the non-steady-state function curves with any flow. It can control and graduate sinusoidal curve and triangle wave curve by using axis servo valve. In addition, controlling the flow without restraint by inputting target dates from external, it also can graduate target flow even if the secondary-side load disturbed strongly.
本仪器可任意设定压力值。通过采用轴伺服阀,来对二次侧压力进行快速、精密地控制。而且,也可以通过从外部输入端子给定的目标值自由控制压力。即使二次负载的干扰强烈,也能测得平稳的压力。另外,即使一次侧压力波动强烈,二次侧压力也不会受到影响。 The instrument can set pressure arbitrarily. It can control the secondary-side pressure fast and precisely by using axis servo valve. Additionally, controlling the pressure freely by inputting target dates from external, it also can measure the steady pressure even if the secondary-side load disturbed strongly. For another, the secondary-side pressure will not be disturbed even if the first-side pressure fluctuates strongly.
联系人:王盛 先生/刘源 小姐
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